Electronic Components USA

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Hand Tools and Assembly Aids

Stack Rack

PC-01C stacked racksPC-01C stack rackThe PC-01C Stack Rack is designed to hold PC boards during all stages of assembly, cleaning and testing.


The width of the rack module is easily adjusted from zero to 290 mm by sliding one side panel along the aluminium aluminum extrusion and tightening two screws. One meter lengths of extrusion are available to allow construction of racks up to 970 mm wide. The module is stackable in all directions so that racks of unlimited height and depth may be constructed.


The side panels are made from conductive plastic for use when highly sensitive integrated circuits need protection against anti-static charges throughout all handling, up to soak-test or burn-in.


For technical details, please see the PDF data sheet Stack Rack PC-01C portable document format data sheet (opens in a new window).





Hand Tools and Assembly Aids - general information


Please contact Cliff sales for more information.


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